Bosnia and Herzegovina
House of Representatives - Parliament of FBiH

Overall opennes score:35.76
Open data score:18.57
1 Consistency and updating of the official website. 3 3
2 Website search engine test - homepage phrase search 1 1
3 Is there organogram published on the website? 0 1
4 Does the website contains description of the parliamentary competences? 1 1
5 Is there CV of the Chief of Institution published on the website? 1 1
6 Are information about the composition and scope of work for each parliamentary committee published on the website? 2 2
7 Are information about structure of actual convocation available on the website (President, vise-presidents, secretaries, MPs, structure and memebrship in parliamanetary groups) 1 2
8 Are the CVs and contact details of MPs published on the website? 2 2
9 Is the Annual Work Programme published on the website? 1 3
10 Are the work reports published on the website? 0 3
11 Is there last quarterly/semi-annually report on work published? 0 1
12 Are the strategies published on the website? 0 1
13 Is there a text of the country’s Constitution? 1 1
14 Are there a full text of the Rules of Procedure or similar rule-setting documents? 1 1
15 Are the drafted legislations to be discussed at the plenum published on the website? 0 3
16 Are the laws at the plenum published on the website? 0 3
17 Are amendments submitted for discussion at the plenum published on website? 0 3
18 Are amendments adopted through the plenum discussion published on website? 0 3
19 Is the agenda of the Parliament for the next session published on the website? 1 1
20 Is the information on names, positions and contacts of civil servants available on the website? 0 3
21 Is the information on salaries of public officials published? 0 1
22 Does the Parliament provide sufficient and regularly updated information on attendance of the MPs on plenary sessions? 0 3
23 Does the Parliament provide sufficient and regularly updated information on attendance of the MPs on committee sessions? 0 3
24 Are the voting records from plenary sessions of the Parliament published on the website? 0 3
25 Are there voting records of the committees published? 0 3
26 Does the Parliament perform audio or video transmission of plenary sessions? 1 3
27 Are the transcripts of the plenum published on the website? 0 3
28 Are the documents prepared for the committee sessions published on the website prior to the committe sessions? 0 2
29 Are the documents that come out as a results of the committee seession (e.g. amendments) published on the website? 0 2
30 Does the Parliament perform audio or video broadcasts of its working bodies? 0 2
31 Are video/audio records from plenary sessions from last year available on the official website? 0 1
32 Are the transcripts of the committees sessions published on the website? 0 1
33 Does your institution have any document (strategy, policy, procedure...) that deals with its openess and transparency? 0 1
34 Are the public procurement plans published on the website? 1 1
35 Are the calls on public procurement procedures publicly available on the website? 1 2
36 Are the decisions on public procurement procedures publicly available on the website? 1 2
37 Are the contracts to public procurement procedures publicly available on the website? 0 2
38 Are the annexes to public procurement procedures publicly available on the website? 1 1
39 Do major procurements (>0.5% of GDP) require competitive bidding by law? 1 1
40 Is sole sourcing limited to specific, tightly defined conditions, such as when a supplier is the only source of a skill or technology? 1 1
41 Can unsuccessful bidders instigate an official review of procurement decisions? 1 1
42 Are companies convicted of bribery prohibited from participating in future procurement bids? 1 1
43 Can citizens access public procurement regulations? 1 1
44 Can citizens access the results of major public procurement bids? 0 1
45 How developed is the legal basis for a transparent budgeting process - public participation in preparing the state budget, publication of the budget and publication of the final account? 0 3
46 Is the parliamentary budget published on the website? 0 3
47 Is Citizens Budget published? 0 1
48 Is Mid-Year report on state budget spending published? 0 1
49 Is Mid-Year report on parliamentary budget spending published? 0 1
50 Are the final accounts on budget spending presented on the website? 0 3
51 Does the Parliament conduct parliamentary debate on the audit report of the final account? 0 1
52 Is the parliamentary budget presented on the website in an understandable manner, including sources of incomes and revenues? 0 1
53 Is there documentation from parliamentary bodies that review or approve the budget/public financing activities? 0 1
54 How many committee sessions discussed last state budget proposal? 0 2
55 The percentage of adopted amendments on last state budget proposal? 0 2
56 Is the right to free access to information regulated (FOI) by a special law? 1 1
57 Does the FOI law prescribe the detailed content of the guide for FOI? 1 1
58 Does the Law prescribe that every authority must appoint a person who is responsible for acting on requests for access to information? 1 1
59 Are implementing institutions legally obliged to report on the implementation of the FOI regulations? 1 1
60 Does the FOI law provide proactive disclosure of information on the websites of institutions and to what extent? 0 1
61 Does the FOI law clearly define the law-enforcing institution and its responsibilities? 0 1
62 Are reguesters required to provide reasons for their requests? 1 1
63 Is there a reasonable maximum timelines for responding to requests? 2 2
64 Is there an independent oversight body, or information commission that ensures compliance with right to information rules? 0 1
65 Are the decisions of the independent oversight body binding? 0 1
66 Are public authorities required to create and update lists or registers of the documents in their possession, and to make these public? 1 1
67 Does the right of access apply to State owned enterprises (commercial entities that are owned or controlled by the State)? 1 1
68 Is there a contact information for the responsible person for FOI? 0 1
69 Is there a legal obligation for conducting trainings/education in the field of access to public information? 0 1
70 Did the parliament conduct in 2017/2018 trainings/education in the field of access to public information? 0 1
71 Did Parliament proposed/considered the law that regulates electronically communication? 1 1
72 Are the information for which free access is approved (reposnes to FOI request) published? 0 1
73 Is updated FOI guide published (once in a year)? 0 1
74 Does the website have the column named right to access information (or other name) with the relevant FOI information? 0 1
75 Did the Parliament conduct the training/workshop for civil servants on the concept of open data and instructions for using and pubishing open data in 2017/2018? 0 1
76 Is participation of civil society and/or the interested public to the committe session regulated by the Rules of procedure? 0 1
77 Is civil society/independent experts allowed to participate in or follow the work of parliamentary committees? 1 1
78 How many times committees requested the public (external consultants, representatives of CSOs) to give comment on certain Law/Strategy/Declaration/or similar during the last calendar year? 0 2
79 Does the Parliament have the legal procedure that allows citizens and CSO to be engaged in parliamentary processes and decision-making? 1 1
80 Are there mechanisms to contact Parliament by email messages or email forms? 1 1
81 Are the guidelines for raising concerns, complaints and making appeals available on the website? 0 1
82 Is there a direct online communication channel available at the website through which citizens can raise concerns, complaints and making appeals? 0 1
83 Is there a mechanism of e-petitions established? 0 1
84 Is there a communication policy/plan to promote e-petition mechanisms? 0 1
85 Is there an information (e.g.banner, guidelines...) on how to use e-petition mechnism? 0 1
86 Does the Parliament have active FB account? 0 2
87 Does the Parliament have active Twitter account? 0 2
88 Is there information about access to the parliamentary building (such as visitors’ centres, guided tours, educational visits, visiting hours, access to plenary sessions and information services available to the public)? 0 1
89 Is there Code of Ethics for MPs? 0 1
90 Is the Code of Ethics for MPs published on the website? 0 1
91 Does the Code of Ethics regulate issues on conflict of interest, use of state property, gifts and favours and political activity? 0 4
92 Does the Code of Ethics define procedures to deal with violations of the Code? 1 1
93 Are there mechanisms for monitoring the implementation of the Code of Ethics of MPs? 1 1
94 Are there procedures that defines that Parliament have to make public information on the final results of investigations into charges of unethical behavior? 0 1
95 Are lobbyist and lobbying activities regulated by the law? 0 1
96 Is there a procedure for storing the content of asset cards electronically? 1 1
97 Do assets card provide information on assets? 1 1
98 Do asset cards provide information on  income sources? 1 1
99 Do asset cards provide information on income amount? 1 1
100 Do the asset cards provide information on paid outside position? 0 1
101 Do the asset cards provide information on non-paid outside position? 0 1
102 Is there legal obligation for publishing the information on gifts? 0 1
103 Do the asset cards provide information on liabilities? 1 1
104 Are the data in asset cards organized and structured? 0 1
105 Are there administrative sanctions stipulated for providing information in asset cards that are not correct? 0 1
106 Are there sanctions or fines stipulated for late filing? 1 1
107 Are the asset cards of MPs made publicly available? 2 2
108 Is Integrity plan or any other internal anticorruption policy (which entails measures for prevention and elimination of various forms of corruptive and unethical behaviour within the institution) published? 0 1
109 In 2017/2018, did the Parliament conduct trainings/workshops or other educational activities for its officers on the topics such as conflict of interest/preventing corruption/whistleblowing in case of irregularities? 0 1
110 To what extent does the parliament assess the potential impacts of existing and prepared legal acts (regulatory impact assessments, RIA)? 0 3
111 Is there a parliamentary procedure for bringing representatives of core executive to the Parliament in order to answer on MPs' questions 1 1
112 Is there a procedure of conducting Motion of No Confidence? 1 1
113 Is there a procedure of considering an interpellation on the Government? 0 1
114 Is there a summary and status of oversight activities (hearings)? 0 1
115 Is there oversight documentation from 2 previous years available on the website? 0 2
116 To what extent is the audit office accountable to the parliament? 1 2
117 Do the Committees have the right to consult and/or employ experts? 1 1